Rua Baluarte, 111
Vila Olímpia - SP - Brasil
Fone/Whatsapp:+55 11 3044-2004

The language switcher module allows you to take advantage of the language tags that are available when content, modules and menu links are created.

This module displays a list of available Content Languages for switching between them.

When switching languages, it redirects to the Home page, or associated menu item, defined for the chosen language. Thereafter, the navigation will be the one defined for that language.

The language filter plugin must be enabled for this module to work properly.


To view an example of the language switch moduler module, go to the site administrator and enable the language filter plugin and the language switcher module labelled "language switcher" and visit the fruit shop or park sample sites. Then follow the instructions in this tutorial.


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Pedagodia Waldorf

A pedagogia Waldorf é apontada pela UNESCO como "o modelo de pedagogia capaz de responder desafios educacionais de nosso tempo, principalmente nas áreas de grandes diferenças culturais".

Parceiros da Educação

Associação Parceiros da Educação para a Vida possui o título de:


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